Films that can be viewed on line are highlighted in red
1980 saw the completion of 20 documentary films.
"At Last It's the Traffic Management Show" was an important development in that it broke away from the conventional 20-30 minute documentary to a television style program lasting some 50 minutes. The purpose of the program, made on behalf of the Department of Transport, was to inform and engage local authorities and the public in the latest methods of managing the everincreasing volumes of traffic in towns. The program featured a large studio model of a town and its streets. Presented by James Bourke a well know television presenter of science programs it discussed a range of issues using film inserts with a good deal of humour. Directed by Ian Morrison at the Granville Studios. NFA ID 66605
"Managing Energy – Local Authority" another film in the series of films about saving energy. This one looks at how this might be done in Local Authority buildigngs such as schools. Directed by David Stevens for Anvil Films.Film Division Producer Annis James NFA ID 12051
"They’re Children- They’re Different" was about the special needs of children staying in hospital. The philosophy of unrestricted visiting and overnight stays by parents and play in the wards are demonstrated and discussed.Made by WSTV Productions directed by Ian Morrison NFA ID 92836
"There You Are Nurse" was about the life of a nurse in the early years of training. Intended for school leavers. Directed by Euan Pearson for Graphic Films Film division Producer Annis James NFA ID 92962
"Where Do We go From Here?" was a Nursing recruitment film directed by Sarah Erulkar for Graphic Films COI Producer Annis James
"Seeing By Numbers " looked at the every day changes brought about by the use of computers. Sponsored by the Department of Trade and Industry, directed by Film Division director Janice Kay NFA ID 290111
"Life With A Future" shows three ways of entering the Royal Naval college at Dartmouth. Follos the progress of three young women during one term. Intended as a recruitment film. Directed by Ted Poulter. NFA ID 29817
"Numbers In The Sky" looks at the effects of the introduction of electronics into night flying Directed by Hugh Raggett for Illustra Films NFA ID 95942
"Europe Pictorial" was a magazine program produced by the European Commission from contributions by member states. This is an example of one issue of the program. NFA ID N-653723
"Engineering in Schools" aims to encourage pupils and teachers to run and take part in engineering projects. Directed by Euan Pearson for Ronald H Riley (see also 1979 film) NFA ID 92979
"Oil Report Britain – Ropes" was one of a series of Oil Reports funded by the Department of Energy. It demonstrates the demands for ropes of all sizes and lifting capacity by the oil industry. Directed by Peter Gaffney for UMP. NFA ID 96172
"In The Sky: People In The Sky" one of two films funded by the Foreign Office. Follows the journey to Australia of a child. Directed by Hugh Raggett for Illustra Films. NFA ID 96059
"In The Sky: Promise In The Sky " showed how the new generation of space satellites are using space to improve lif on earth. Directed by Bill Metcalf for Illlustra Films. NFA ID 95954
"Primary School Science: Support for the Teacher" showed how a number of teachers in primary schools in Liverpool and Birmingham have introduced science to pupils. Films accompanied by a teaching pack of notes and slides. Directed by Nigel Leasmoir-Gordon for Television International Enterprises. COI Producer Linda Horne. NFA ID 95244
"The Long Term Highlights"the combined importance of parental and Careers Service guidance and describes the work of the Careers Service. Intnded for secondary school pupils and their parents. Directed by Chris Springhall for Corpro. NFA ID 95196
"The Careers Service –Employer" explains the help that the service can give to employers NFA ID 63123
"The Driving Test" considers the importance of skilled instruction and examination for the test. Shows how examinars are trained. Intended for road safety officers. Directed by Jeff Grant for Ronald H Riley. NFA ID 93920
"Mother of Parliaments" provides a tour of the Houses of Parliament and explains some of the procedures and the senior personalities. NFA ID 97302
"Rubbish Tips" aimed at volunteers setting up voluntary groups to collect rubbish. Explains possible pitfalls. Directed by Jonathan Ingrams for Pacesetter Productions. NFA ID 93816
"Where To Now? " traces the reactions of three 16 year students as Brian Redhead investigates the prospects of a clerical officer career in the Civil Service Intended for 15-16 year old students. Directed by Paul Fisher for Corpro NFA ID 60350
"Thank God It’s Friday" introduces the concepts of self development and self learning on the job. Using a dramatised format it explores the example of a manager who feels he is “stuck” in his job. Directed by Ron Trainer for Millbank Films. NFA ID 96083
saw the completion of 15 documentary films.
"Northern Ireland The Troubles"(? Northern Ireland,Chronicle) produced on behalf of the Foreign Office at the request of British Embassy in Washington was made with a very specific purpose. It was to respond to the substantial amounts of Information being distributed, especially to universities in the USA, by supporters of the Irish Republican Army (IRA) during the times of the “troubles” in Northern Ireland. Supporters of the IRA portrayed the British Government as being unwilling to attempt to find a settlement to the on going “troubles”.
The brief for the film was to chronicle the various attempts by successive British governments over many years to find a settlement each attempt being defeated by one side of the conflict or the other. The essence of the film was that it should be seen to be objective in recounting the attempts to find a settlement. The film was compiled from contemporary footage with a carefully written narrative.
The film was taken to Washington by John Hall, Deputy Director Film Division just before completion to seek the approval of the then Ambassador Nicholas Henderson. Uniquely too the film, on completion, was shown to the UK press and television to enable them to comment on the objectivity of the film. Happily there was agreement that the film was, so far as they could tell, objective. A certain triumph for COI NFA ID N-520752
"If It Ever Happened" was another film with a political theme. This film demonstrated Britain’s commitment to NATO. It was intended for screening to NATO audiences and the public. It was produced by Anvil Films and directed by Ian Morrison. NFA ID 9515
"Say No To Strangers" the theme was a dramatized warning to children about the dangers of talking to strangers.P. A powerful film which achieved the rare accolade of transmissions by both BBC and the ITV. Produced by Graphic Films and directed by John Mackenzie NFA ID 348666
"Forward Looking Infra-red" showed how forward-looking infra-red night-flying equipment enabled pilots to see the terrain over which they are flying from pictures generated by the heat emitted from objects below them, even though it may be pitch-dark outside. Intended for visitors to the Royal Aircraft Establishment at Farnborough. Directed by Nigel Lesmoir-Gordon for Illustra Communications NFA ID 103315
"Five Metre Tunnel"showed the facilities available at the five metre wind tunnel at the Royal Aircraft Establishment at Farnborough for investigating aircraft handling problems during take-off and landing. Directed by Nigel Lesmoir-Gordon for Illustra Communications. NFA ID 102881
"Beyond The Stall" showed the work of the Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough, in the development of free-flight models for the study of the control and stability of aircraft in a post-stall situation. Directed by Nigel Lesmoir-Gordon for Illustra Communications. NFA ID 102880
"The Key of England "was about the history and development of Dover Castle, spanning the period from the early Iron Age hill fort on the site to the castle's strategic importance in World War 2. Made by World Wide Pictures NFA ID 98900
"Reaching The People" introduced some of the problems that Census Officers may encounter, including a house with squatters, a hotel, an elderly immigrant and a blind person. The film illustrated methods of dealing with such cases. Formed part of the training course for the 1981 Census Officers. Directed by Terry Steel for Television International. NFA ID 95059
"Export Europe" an interesting film that was produced as part of an integrated campaign aimed at small and medium size business to inform and encourage them to export to Europe.Made by World Wide Pictures directed by Philip Harland NFA ID 97630
"How Not To Join The Civil Service"presented a desert island scenario in which three victims of a shipwreck set up their own civil service in order to administer the day to day running of the island. Intended for 'A' level students for recruitment to the Civil Service. Directed by John Bird for Corpro NFA ID 97482
"MSC Interviews some interviews with James Prior, Secretary of State for Employment, Sir Raymond Pennock of the CBI, Len Murray of the TUC and Nigel Eldred of the GEC in support of the Manpower Services Commission programme on the Youth Opportunities Employment scheme.
"Where Do I Go From Here?" a film about job opportunities for SRN nurses following training courses or in specialised areas of nursing. Made by Graphic Films directed by Sarah Erulkar. NFA ID 97504
"Manpower Services Commission" a series of interviews with James Prior Secretary of State for Employment, Sir Raymond Pennock of the CBI, and Len Murray of the TUC. Made by Platypus Films NFA ID 8006
during 1982 some 15 documentary films were completed.
"A Better Road to Peace"was a reaction by government to the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament who advocated unilateral nuclear disarmament. The film puts the case for multilateral disarmament. The subject was an issue of fierce debate. The film was made widely available. An interesting case where the costs of distribution were not far short of the costs of production. Made by Ronald Dunkley Associates. NFA ID 107790
"Head for Business" produced for the DTI was made by Video Arts Ltd a production company who specialised in the making of training films for business. It featured actor John Cleese and was written by Anthony Jay. NFA ID 10969
"Children With Special Educational Needs" was a training film for primary school teachers. It consisted of a series of individual studies of children with special needs to enable teachers to recognise children who required special attention.Made by World Wide Pictures directed by Michael Allder NFA ID 100105
"Housing for the Disabled" (click here to view from BFI) Gwent, Allerdale (in Cumbria) and, in particular, the Habinteg Housing Association estate in Peckham Rye feature in this film. At a time of evolving policy both on disability and housing, it was used to raise local authority staff and contractors' awareness of issues around accommodation designed for wheelchair users and other disabled people, and various government-supported schemes.
"Dying for A Smoke" was an animation film by John Halas designed to deter children from smoking. Made at the request of the Department for Health. NFA ID 61675
"Getting IT (intro IT) : Getting It "was the fourth video in a group of 4 on the uses of Information Technology. The others being This is IT, Electronic Market Place and Paperless Office.The films reflected the impact of new technology in a range of research and business situations by these four films.
"The Norman Conquest of England" The story of the Norman invasion of Britain in 1066 and how school children are able to see nowadays the remains of where and how they lived and discover this for themselves. Intended for 10-14 year olds . Directed by Phillip Saunders for World Wide Pictures. NFA ID 101765
"Looking at Prehistoric Sites" was about a number of prehistoric sites in Britain, showing what facets can easily be discovered. An excavation in progress gives an insight into the detailed work and scientific research involved in archaeology investigations. Intended for general audiences Directed by Andrew Humphries for World Wide Pictures NFA ID 108294
"I came By Bus" was about Dial-a-Ride services for disabled people. Four different schemes in Milton Keynes, Stockport, Reading and the London Borought of Camden, are described by the users, drivers and coordinators of the services.Made by RHR films NFA ID 107841
"Page Three Story" was based on the Consumer Credit Act 1974. It explains how APR or the annual percentage rate of charge for credit, which must be displayed in many forms of credit advertising, is a useful way to compare different credit deals. Accompanied by a leaflet 'There's more to credit than just HP' and a fact sheet 'The true cost of credit'. Intended for home economics teachers, libraries, teacher training centres, trading standards departments, citizen's advice bureaux and consumer groups Made by Beryl Stevens Associates NFA ID 97244
"Falkland Islands Airport" was a film about the building of the airport directed by David Williams. NFA ID 746026 "Dying for a Smoke" an animation film about a young addicted smoker aimed at persuading people not to smoke. Made by Halas and Batchelor. NFA ID 61675
"Seeing By Numbers` a film about the applications of computers in education, design and business Directed by Film division director Janice Kay NFA ID 101133
"At Home in Britain " was a group of three films about Asian communities in Britain, Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs. they were produced for the Race Relations Board as part of an information campaign. NFA ID 617896
the year saw the completion of 14 documentary films..
"Better to Give" described the use of blood plasma encouraging potential blood donors to continue to give blood . Directed by Peter de Normanville and produced by Leon Clore at Graphic Films NFA ID 108513
"Sorry Now" was a series of three films designed as triggers for use by teachers and crime prevention officers when talking to teenagers about the dangers of being drawn into crimes such as burglary, shoplifting and vandalism. "Managing Energy:Waste As A Fuel" British industry paid £400 million a year to dispose of waste. The film shows where paper, cardboard, plastic, rubber and straw have been used successfully for space and production heating. Directed by David Stevens for Anvil films NFA ID 107726
"Introducing Harold Slater" was a cartoon style production which showed how a manufacturer of garden gnomes came to understand the importance of total quality management. Made for DTI by Beryl Stevens NFA ID 103515
"People Like Us" was recruitment film for psychiatric nurses. Shows the feelings and reactions of nurses and some of their patients to the treatment of their mental illness. Seen through the eyes of an independent observer. Role of a nurse is to encourage and foster independence. Encourage life skills so that patients can live effectively out in the community. Illustrates the work of a community psychiatric nurse in keeping track of their patients treatments and medication. Nurses are seen training in the community and attending theory lessons in the classroom. Psychiatric nurses need compassion and sense of humour and although difficult the work is portrayed as very rewarding. Directed by Shaun Gordon for Holmes Associates NFA ID 107923
" Illusions:Solvent Abuse" a training film about solvent abuse and the reasons why young people become involved in it. Made by Picture Palace Productions directed by Malcolm Craddock NFA ID 100498
"Ship to Shore" described the role of the Royal Naval Reserve both in wartime and in peacetime, which is primarily the protection of shipping, including mine sweeping. Its recruits are drawn from all walks of life: estate agents, market traders, solicitors, mechanics etc. The film contrasts the civilian jobs of members of the RNR with the task they perform at sea Directed by Don Higgins. NFA ID 107794
"No Good Just Feeling Sorry" provided an insight into the work of the Registered Nurse for the Mentally Handicapped, not only showing the challenge and frustration, but the personal and professional rewards. Concentrates on four nurses at work both within a hospital for mentally handicapped people and its surrounding community Recruitment film for people aged 17 and over a Careers guidance film. Made by Holmes Associates directed by Shaun Gordon NFA ID 108556
"Who’s Sorry Now?" was a series of three films designed to dissuade teenagers from being drawn into crime by friends or classmates. Films were intended as “triggers” for discussions with a visiting crime prevention officer. Directed by Tony Harling NFA ID 99836
"A Good Start"was an introduction to the two part test for motor cycle riders. It showed the exercises required and emphasised the importance of proper training. Directed by David Williams for RHR Associates NFA ID 109003
"New Systems for A Better Service " drew on the practical experiences of staff using IT-based systems in several government departments which serve the public. They describe the changes that new systems have made to their way of working and what they see as the benefits and drawbacks. Also gives the Civil Service trade union point of view and shows some of the trials and evaluation work being done at the CCTA to help Civil Service management control and manage the impact of the new systems. This film has been made to help to prepare staff for the changes taking place, and shows what it is like to be involved with new technology at first hand. It draws on the practical experiences of staff using IT-based systems in several government departments which serve the public. They describe the changes that new systems have made their way of working, and talk about what they see as the benefits and drawbacks, including: quality of work and job satisfaction: their initial worries about being able to cope; their attitudes to the equipment after a period of familiarisation. In addition, the film gives the Civil services trade union point of view and also shows some of the trials and evaluation work being done at the CFTA to help Civil service management control and manage the impact of the new systems.Made by Blackrod Films NFA ID 242504
"At Home In Britain-Sikhs" one ofthree tape/slide programmes transferred to video, featuring Asian men resident in Britain. They explain how they and their families have adapted to living and working in a western country while retaining their religious beliefs and traditional ways. Intended for employers, social workers, trade unions and education. Produced for the Employment Advisory Service and the Race Relations Board. see also script for programmes under "Research Materials" on the Navigation Bar. NFA ID 107589 "The Diver"was a recruitment film for the Royal Engineers. N-58057
" Getting IT The Electronic Market Place" a study of the practical effects of new technology for research and business. NFA ID 182065
The year saw the completion of 19 documentary films.
"Getting to Know I the Chip" reflected the still relatively new world of information technology. The film describes the “chip `’ revolution and the long term social and economic implications for society. Made by Software Production Enterprise directed by Ron Johnston NFA ID 108718
"Managing Energy Shops and Stores" was a further contribution to the growing number of films produced as the importance of the use of energy was being spread. Made by Anvil Films NFA ID 104873
"Strength in Depth" a film for for schools providing naval history up to and including World War II, including the development and introduction of submarines. Directed by Rene Basilco.
"Task Group Kilo" about a task force preparing to depart for Norway on a NATO exercise. Intended for naval recruitment and general audiences. NFA ID 102543
"A Class of Your Own" was a film set in a modern primary school classroom observing the variety of activities. Questions are posed about the purpose of each activity and discusses issues of concern to teachers such as indiscipline and mental stimulation. Directed by Richard Smith it is an example of an in house production by Film Division. NFA ID 102717
"The Taxman"was a film about the importance of the Inland Revenue and the historical development of the Taxman. Made by Beryl Stevens Associates directed by John Spencer. NFA ID 334026
" This Is the Revenue" internal video program describing for staff information the roles of branches, divisions and specialist units. NFA ID 453666
"Scientists in the Civil Service"some government scientists talk. Directed by Abel Goodman about their jobs for instance an expert in sound waves , a systems designer working on torpedoes, a computer scientist modernising procedures and a biochemist and biologist together developing a new pesticide. Intended for A level students and undergraduates Made by RHR Production directed by Euan Pearson NFA ID 102624
"Heat Below : Geothermal Energy was a film about geothermal energy projects in Britain. Two such projects - drilling for an aquifer in Southampton, which is to be used for heating part of the city area; and drilling for hot rocks near Cambourne in Cornwall, a project which will continue for several years and which, it is hoped will be used to heat a large area in the west country. Directed by Alan Ross for Anvil Films NFA ID 108275
"Think Of a Number " was a film giving advice to young people on the importance of the new plastic National Insurance number card that was being sent to all 16 year olds. The film shows how the card should be used, and emphasises its usefulness and importance when applying for jobs or claiming benefits. Directed by John Sichel for Graphic Films. NFA ID 107878
" The Right Job for You" a "warts and all" of what happens to four typical applicants who walk into an RAF Careers Information Office. Made by Graphic films directed by Alan Bell NFA ID 102541
"Police Officer" was a recruitment film for the police service. It covered police training and gave a realistic account of the kind of incidents the police encounter on duty, including a burgled home, theft of expensive equipment, a pub brawl and a car chase. Stresses community policing and sex and racial equality. Intended for use in secondary schools.Made by First City Productions NFA ID 102514
" Engineering for the Future" provided a brief account of the range of services and expertise which the National Engineering Laboratory offered industry. Shows examples of its test work, r anging from the massive tension motion compensators for the legs of Conoco's Tension Leg Platform in the Hutton Oilfield to the stressing of an artificial hip implant. Made by Charles Comley Associates NFA ID 105895
" Proof Positive" demonstrates the range of proof and trials facilities availlable to MOD contractors from the establishments at Shoeburyness and Pendine. Made by Wadlow Grosvenor Productions directed by Anthony Searle NFA ID 103284
"Consumer Advice Video" provided guidance on what the law says about buying goods how to make a complain t and who can help the dissatisfied customer. Consists of five slide presentations transferred to video, entitled Dog days, A Dog deceived, Page 3 story, You Must Be Joking, Grandma, and What do I do? Made by Film Division Audio Visual Unit NFA ID 102503
" Foul Brood: Recognition and Control" a film for bee keepers what to look for and methods of control. Explains the importance of bees for pollution and production of honey. Made for Ministry of Agriculture by Beryl Stevens Associates directed by Alastair Cilston NFA ID 108960
"Strength In Depth" an historical film for use in schools providing a potted history of naval warfare up to and including WWII including the development of submarines. directed by Rene Basilico NFA ID 102542
" Hang On" encourages pupils to consider one of the options open to them when they reach sixteen namely taking a course at further education college. NFA ID 105287
19 documentary films were completed during the year.
"We Provide More Choice Not Less" was a project of particular interest in 1985. It was one of the first projects by Film Division using banks of slide projectors to enhance and illustrate a departmental road show. It was made for the Manpower Services Commission, a subsidiary of the Department of Employment. A road show was created when a department wished to publicize and explain a new policy to audiences of opinion formers. Often this simply consisted of a Minister or senior civil servant speaker delivering a speech to groups of invited audiences in a number of locations across the country. These shows became more elaborate requiring the building and transporting of a set for several speakers backed up by slides helping to illustrate a speech. Some shows notably for the MSC became even more elaborate requiring banks of slide projectors with synchronised sound. Films Division formed a special unit, the Audio Visual Unit, to produce such shows in conjunction with the COI Exhibition Division who created and moved the set around the country. Road Shows enjoyed a vogue for several years but eventually the use of low cost video overtook slides.
"On The Level" (click here to view from BFI) is a film for people running public buildings and public areas to demonstrate the need and the solutions for providing wheelchair access. It stresses the applications both for existing and new billings. How much of the built environment was accessible in 1980s Britain? This film aimed to raise awareness about the importance of inclusive design to give disabled people independence. Ten years before the first UK disability discrimination legislation came into force, we can see a lot more needs to be done.It was produced by Illustra films and directed by Philip Harland. NFA ID106599
"Tornado" was made for the RAF as a recruiting film emphasising the team nature of an operation by 4 Tornado fighter bombers. The roles of ground crew an aircrew of both the Tornados as well as in-flight refuelling aircraft are demonstrated.produced by G P A films and directed by Claude Whatham NFA ID 5954879
Two films were produced in support of the Falkland Islands emerging from the war with the Argentine.
"The Islanders- a Way of Life" looked and listened to the Falkland islanders speaking about their way of life and their wish to remain under British control. NFA ID 204489
"80 Weeks to Touchdown" was an account of the building of the new Falklands Island airport. NFA ID 617774
"Towards a Better Life" was a film aimed at countering prejudice toward people suffering from mental or physical handicap.
"Ordinary Life" (click here to view from BFI). “I’d much rather work at a computer than make wicker baskets” – this film looks at the mainstream inclusion of disabled people in employment, education and the built environment. It features a unique computer consultancy business, run by disabled people themselves, and how ideas like inclusive design can benefit us all. Wycliffe Noble, one of the film’s contributors, was a pioneering architect and ally of disabled people. He was a champion of the idea of Inclusive Design, which asked designers to look at the built environment in terms of access for all users. Some of the practical solutions he devised are shown in the film. directed by Andy Humphries NFA ID 304253
"Help Is Just Around the Corner " provided training for Inland Revenue staff on mobile advice centres. Film included dramatised scenarios with actual tax officers who have worked in the centres. Points out what the officers did wrong in terms of dealing with the public, what and what not to do when dealing with the public, and how to encourage the public to make use of the mobile centres. NFA ID 494362
"Banking On Exports" was a three-part video based on the British Overseas Trade Board's conference series of the same name held throughout the UK during 1983 and 1984. The film aimed to explain to exporters and would-be exporters the various methods of raising finance, the use of foreign currencies for invoicing and some of the ways in which they can insure against the risks that might be involved. Contributors are Ned Dyas, Richard Savage, a Regional Director of the Export Credits Guarantee Department and Ray Prockter NFA ID 123506
" Ambassadors for Exports" was about the work diplomats in a commercial setting showing how their expertise in a local setting can save time and money NFA ID 104890
" Westminster At Work"was designed to be shown at the Palace of Westminster as an introduction to a tour of the building it provides a survey of the functions of Parliament. NFA ID 104895
" Executive Careers in the Civil Service" explores the variety of work available to entrants at executive level and the opportunities for promotion. NFA ID 105130
"Children Talking 2" a linguistic test is applied to a small group of 15 year old children NFA ID 333875
"The Patent Office" explained the services promoted by the Patent Office and the range of protection it offered. The film set out the types of protection available: patents, designs, trade marks and copyright, and how they can be obtained. Intended principally for small firms .Made by Tape One Productions NFA ID 104929
"The Longest Minute" was produced as part of the 1985/86 national fire prevention campaign. The film aimed to educate people on what to do in the case of fire. It introduced a simple three point code and used the example of a domestic fire to illustrate the necessary procedure to follow. Emphasises that people should evacuate the premises as soon as possible and stay out until the fire service arrived NFA ID 105684
"Inside Information" showed the latest training given to prison officers and the work they do. It stressed care without sentiment, and discipline through respect and trust. Features the training programme in use at the prison officer school at Leyhill in Gloucestershire NFA ID 105303
"Seawatch" shows two sailing accidents one involving an ill prepared and inexperienced crew, the other an experienced yachtsman who has followed correct procedures and has registered with the coastguard. Made by Ronad Dunkley Associates NFA ID105996
"A Change for the Better" was a film about a government initiative called the Urban Housing Renewal Unit (UHRU) to tackle problems on and around housing estates. The organisation worked with local authorities and people to find solutions. Aim of the programme is to show how these solutions worked to change things for the better. Community involvement was essential. One example used was Four Acres at St. Helens featuring representatives of UHRH and tenants . Thamesmead in London saw the case of a multi-million pound company that is owned and managed by the community. The co-operative approach was also seen as another solution and Cloverhall in Rochdale. In this case tenants have taken over the day to day running of their estate. NFA ID 333958
" Women, More choice, Not Less" looks at the vital role of women in increasing Britain's skill resources.Explains the government comittment to harnessing women's technological skills. NFA ID 104784
"Minder- A Little Bit of Give and Take" this was a video program about the dangers of drugs which used a storyline featuring the television “Minder” series characters George Cole and Denis Waterman. Terry "minds" a teenager who is offered drugs at a party. Arthur "buys cheap" some valuable pots that teenager Tim has stolen from his father to pay for drugs. The package which also contains teachers' notes, activity sheets, posters, hand-outs and a resources guide was intended for 13-15 year olds. Secondary schools in England and Wales could apply for a free copy. COI Producer Richard Smith Director Chris Menaul. NFA ID 232879
This year saw the completion of 7 documentary filmssome with distinctly social purpose themes.
"Back to the Community" was made in support of a government initiative, “Care in the Community” which proposed a coming together of health and social services together with voluntary organisation to form teams to encourage the care of older people and those in need of care to take place in the community. NFA ID 383481 NA ID INF34/1228
"A Fresh Start" looked at the implications of new government proposals for prison reform with regard to prison staff.Director Ron Maynard NFA ID 383447
"A Change for the Better " considered a government initiative described as “Urban Housing Renewal” to tackle problems on and around housing estates. A particular example was in Thamesmead where a multi million pound company was formed that is owned and managed by the community to solve issues that arise when running the large estates. NFA ID 333958
"Time for Justice" was a campaign video about low wages in the NHS. It outlines the main points in the 1986 pay claim arguing for an end to poverty wages. Made by Diverse Productions directed by Jenny Hughes NFA ID 311692
"Double Take" was a video package that offered advice and information to children 12-15 years old on the dangers of drug abuse.Director Chris Menaul NFA ID 160862
"Your Degree and the Royal Navy"was a recruitment film for Royal Navy. Intended for university and higher education students. Within the framework of refuelling at sea in a force ten gale, the disembarkation of a compassionate case, and an air defence exercise, key officers talk about their jobs aboard ship and about their educational background and experience. Also shown is training and maintenance at shore stations. Made by Graphic Films directed by Keith Godman NFA ID 348677
"Eureka Project" (click here to view) was a film about the UK involvement in this EU cooperative project. Directed by Janice Kay Producer Deborah Kingsland N-3776157
"Monergy Select Committee" a film loop possibly made for presentation by the Department of Energy at a Select Committee. Gives an overview of the Department of Energy's `Get More for Your Monergy' campaign during 1986. The aim of the campaign, which took place during Energy Efficiency Year, was to raise public and industry awareness of the economic benefits of saving energy. Shows various aspects of the campaign including TV advertising, 'Monergy 1986' road-shows, school competitions and educational out-reach; seminars for teachers; publications and exhibitions. Made buy Zoom Production Company. NFA ID 360841
"Bio Tech Know How" (click here to view) a film about the use of bacteria during industrial processes Directed by Janice Kay
10 documentary films were completed during the year. Three films were produced on behalf of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
"Big Bang" reviewed changes in the Stock Exchange rules that allowed companies anywhere in the world to trade on the Exchange. The film was produced in-house rather than being contracted to a production company. It was produced and directed by Annabel Olivier Wright. NFA ID 754857
"Boom"Annabel Olivier Wright also made "Boom" that recorded technical advances in science based industries in East Anglia. Produced and Directed by Annabel Olivier Wright NFA ID 383488
"Falkland Islands Conservation" The Falkland Islands Conservation Zone was established in 1987 following the war with the Argentine. It preserved fishing grounds within 150 miles of the islands. Directed by Peter Slepokura NFA ID 383502
"That’s GCSE " (click here to view) was made on behalf of the Department for Education. It explained the new certificate of education. Produced in the manner of a well known television quiz programme “That’s Life” it was directed by Janice Kay. NFA ID 301159
"Counting On Success" was a recruiting video production for the Treasury. It was produced and directed by Janice Kay as an in house production. NFA ID N-3775942
"Keeping the Peace" demonstrated why British defence strategy relied on nuclear as well as conventional weapons. Made by Ronald Dunkley Associates directed by John Selwyn Gilbert NFA ID 210676
"Priority for People" outlined aspects of the government's "Priority Estates Project", which since 1979 had targeted the general problem of housing estates across the country, and tried by various means to improve them. NFA ID 333957
"Object Lessons Teaching Science" was a film about the teaching of science subjects in schools. Designed to show the need for science teachers to have specialist, organisational and professional skills of a high order and for them to be able to work as part of a team. A group of teachers is seen both taking classes and talking frankly about the problems and rewards of science teaching. Most of them had come to the profession from careers in industry NFA ID 356944
"Shared Concern" dealt with the difficulties doctors experienced when informing parents that their baby or young child has a disability. Made with the parents point of view in mind.Made by Picture Palace Productions NFA ID 383487
" Specifications for Highways Works" produced as an aid to the preparation of contracts. NFA ID 391496
" The Service You'd Expect" (click here to view) was a video film addressed to the staff of the Department of Employment about improving the standards of the service when interacting with the public. Presented by the television personality James Bolam Produced by Richard Smith
Saw the completion of 7 documentary films.. It also saw the completion of 3 interactive multimedia videodisc projects.
"Accident in Park Road " was a road safety awareness video programme for 7 to 11 students. This programme departed from the conventional format to contain “stop” points to enable teachers to break the story and to lead discussions. Made by Image Factory NFA ID 756432
"Down To Business" discussed the nature of teaching business studies in schools. The video was made on behalf of the Department for Education and was intended to encourage those with business experience to consider teaching career. Directed by Stuart Carter NFA ID 356945
"Learning Science" again for the Department for Education illustrated the nature of teaching required to attain National Curriculum Attainment targets. It was a training video intended to provoke discussion among teachers and students. NFA ID 383501
"Protect Your child In a Car" featured the work carried out by the Transport and Road Research Laboratory into rear seat-belt safety for children. NFA ID 390689
"The Call Out in the Retained Fire Service" was a recruitment film for retained fire fighters. Throughout the country, part-time 'retained' fire fighters - so called because they are paid an annual retainer - turn out when there is an emergency. The video was designed to show employers and potential recruits the advantages of becoming involved in the retained fire service. NFA ID 383444
"PSA-Pacesetter in QA" a video about the Property Services Agency and the way it implements Quality Assurance in the Design Standards Office NFA ID 383497
"Upside down and Faraway" was a video program to encourage trade, both import and export to New Zealand. In house production directed by Janice Kay NFA ID N-3777039
In addition to these documentary films three experimental interactive videodisc programmes were completed. More detailed information about these three project is at a separate section “Interactive Multimedia 1982 to 1988”.
The interactive projects were:
Anita: an interactive training program about conducting staff appraisal interviews. Made for the Cabinet Office and produced by Film Division Producer Trevor Grace.
Taxfax: made for the Inland Revenue. It was a stand alone device designed to be placed in shopping malls or other public spaces. It could accessed by the public and provided information about taxation matters including Income Tax. Produced in house by Film Division Producer Trevor Grace.
"Navyfax" made for the Royal Navy as a recruiting device for use in large and small exhibitions. The programme enabled the user to visit a frigate, to go any where they wished from bridge to engine room and operation centres. They could steer the ship and fire a missile. It was extensively by the Royal Navy for recruiting purposes. Again produced in house by Film Division Producer Trevor Grace.
These experimental projects carried out between 1983-87 using “interactive multimedia” that was using moving pictures embedded on videodiscs and accessed through a computer programme to a television monitor. The projects were pioneering pieces of work for later productions that would use similar but much enhanced technology in later years
Saw the completion of 5 documentary films.
Two films "Get It Right Before You Go", NFA ID 426648 "While you Are There" were produced for the Foreign Office explaining the Consular Services in France and Spain and offering practical advice to holiday makers. The video programs were produced by Film Division in house, written and directed by the then Head of Production Annabel Olivier Wright.
"Schoolwatch " (click here to view) was produced for the Department of Education. It demonstrated what should be done to protect schools from vandalism. The intended audience were School Heads and Governors. NFA ID 358691
"Managing Energy- Retail" video describes a range of energy saving opportunities in the retail sector.Made by Anvil Films NFA ID 444563
"Let’s Agree to Agree" was a very unusual film produced for the Laboratory of the Government Chemist. Its purpose was to examine key techniques for achieving accurate analytical measurements. NFA ID 394480
"Tomorrow’s Prison Officers" (click here to view) was produced for the Prison Service as part of their recruiting effort. The video program was produced and directed by in house by Janice Kay. NFA ID 383448
The year 1989 concludes the period 1981 to 1989. The following year, 1990 saw the change in the status of COI from a Repayment Agency to that of becoming an Executive Agency and Trading Fund.The change was to have a major effect on COI and the Films Division over the next 22 years leading to the closure of COI.