Films that can viewed on line are highlighted in red
1970 saw the production of 30 documentary films of which four films were made for the FCO
"Portrait of a People" was a poetic evocation of the history and character of the British nation and of the quality of its life. It was accompanied by spoken words based on the thoughts of many Britons among them Churchill, John Keats, William Shakespeare, George Orwell and William Wordsworth. This film would be well used by the British Embassies and High Commissions. Directed by Anthony Pelissier for Rank Films NFA ID 75023
"Shapes of the Future" reviewed several fields in which British research and the interchange of ideas between fundamental and applied science took place in universities and government departments. It includes scenes of high altitude test runs of the Concord engines. Directed by Hugh Raggett for James Archibald NFA ID 74057
"Britain at Expo" was a record of the exhibits at the British Pavilion in Tokyo at the Expo 1970 including design material of the Cunard liner “Queen Elisabeth 2” and Concorde. Made by Associated British Pathe directed by Michael Rolle NFA ID 133337
"Partnership for Prosperity" explained the Lome Convention governing the exports of raw materials to the EEC and their effects on developing countries. Directed by Bill Metcalf. NFA ID 253456
"Buses and Streets" was a film about traffic management, in particular about Derby who had introduced a new one way management system. Funded by the Department of the Environment it was one of the first films on this subject. NFA ID N-404422
"Waste of Waste Land "is a film about how Stoke On Trent used the Government Reclamation Scheme to convert derelict sites to recreation areas.Made by Corpro directed by John Doll A slide tape show transferred to film. NFA ID 85086
"Materials for the Engineer" described some of the achievements in modern materials technology on which engineering depends.Made by Derek Stewart Productions NFA ID 228922
"Streets Ahead " (click here to view from BFI) this film takes a look at some of the ground-breaking council initiatives for urban renewal and regeneration in the Newtown district of Exeter - an area riddled with run-down Victorian terraces and poor amenities. Arguing against inflicting wholesale redevelopment, this film is a manifesto for community-orientated upgrades to housing, services and transport and demonstrates how improvement grants under the 1969 Housing Act can be used to bring new life and amenities to run down areas.. Directed by David Morphet for World Wide Pictures. NFA ID 74721
"Day In Day Out " was aimed at teenage girls considering a career in nursing. Directed by Victor Menzies for Ronald H Riley. NFA ID 73946
"Design for Health" about hospital design and equipment for export by the Department for Health. NFA ID 156405
"Fit to Drop" was an Army Recruitment film emphasising gymnastics.Made by Paragon Films NFA IDN-108381
"Battle Group" was an Army recruitment film centred around a NATO exercise in Germany.Made by World Wide Films directed by James Allen NFA ID 124391
"Ready for Sea" demonstrates the work of the Royal Navy Supply and Secretarial Branch which ensures that all necessary supplies are available to ships. A recruitment film. Directed by Peter Whale for the Overseas Film and Television Centre. NFA ID 79510
"Engineering Your Future" was a careers film for potential engineers demonstrating the extent to which modern civilisation depends on the engineer. It shows the wide range of engineering studies and subjcts available at Universities and Colleges. Directed by Austin Campbell for World Wide Pictures. NFA ID 73947
"Patterns of Learning" was a film to celebrate the centenary of the Education Act of 1870. It demonstrated the then current educational practice in British schools from the nursery to the 6th Form in four Local Education Authorities. Directed by Stefan Sargent for Associate British Pathe. NFA ID 73940
"No More Problems" reveals the nature of tribology through the story of a small engineering firm which undertakes to help a large gear manufacturer in an emergency.Made by Technical and Scientific films directed by TC Mitchell NFA ID 74330
"Profile of An Engineer" Hugh Conway was a mechanical engineer and Managing Director of the Engine Division of Roll Royce. He began his career on the pre-war development of aircraft engines and has remaine in the industry ever since. NFA ID 80883
"Talking of Patents" provides a brief history of patents and describes the services of the Patent Library. Directed by Simon Campbell-Jones for Ronald H Riley. NFA ID 79487
"The People People" was a recruiting film for the Civil Service aimed at school leavers outlining the vast range of jobs available. Directed by Roger Coward for World Wide Pictures NFA ID 41000
"Dangerous Playground" a safety film about the dangers for young children of farm equipment and chemicals.Made by David Cobham Productions NFA ID 153339
"Brucellosis" the dangers of this disease in cattle are outlined in this film designed to encourage farmers to join the Ministry of Agriculture Brucellosis Eradication Scheme. Directed by John Pitt for De La Chevre Films. NFA ID 74468
"Research for Building " describes the work of the Building Research Station whose work ranges from research into the properties of materials to structures of buildings and sociological questions about the built environment. Funded by the Department of the Environment directed by Tom Williamson for Rayant Pictures. NFA ID 61559
"Reasons Why" a recruitment film aimed at university graduates to interest them in the work of the various government scientific establishments. Directed by Tom Williamson for Rayant Pictures NFA ID 60367
"A Closer Look" also about the work of scientists in the Civil Service setting out the selection process and role of selection boards. Directed by Hugo Munro for Granville Television Studios. NFA ID 60349
"Ulster Behind the Headlines" is set in the town of Downpatrick where the views of a number of professional men are expressed on their experience of “the troubles”. Despite the escalation of violence elsewhere there is hope that tensions will not disintegrate this community. NFA ID 1519
"The Engineer in Textiles " was designed to stimulate interest in the modern textile industry and the role of the textile engineer. Directed by John Abott for Marcus Cooper Productions. NFA ID 7470
"An Intelligent Concern" was about a group of boys and girls, some committed to careers in science, in discussion with the Duke of Edinburgh about their work toward a career in engineering; both project work in general and their own individual projects.
Prince Phillip in his capacity as Chairman of the Schools Scientific and Technology Committee outlines the demands made by technology on Britain’s educational system and the importance of solving relevant problems. This was a unique film set in a television studio with film inserts and Prince Phillip conducting the proceedings as presenter of the program.
Adam Leys who was the Producer wrote a brief note of the occasion:
I cannot remember how we got into making a program with and for the Duke of Edinburgh at the Granville studio. I suppose the Foreign Office was involved as they paid all our bills, but the programme he wanted was all about careers for young people in engineering, one of his many schemes. The program had a studio element in which the Duke talked to, and listened to, a group of young people, with filmed elements showing young people at work. For the studio element we had a set built where the group sat in a semicircle around a low bench where the Duke sat. We were using the Gemini three camera system of film cameras attached to the television cameras.
Janice Kay directed in the gallery, I was producer, and John Hall was the executive producer. I also remember being asked to ask the Duke to change his tie. This was because he was wearing a tie with red stripes. Whoever was in charge of lighting said that in the context of colour television at the time, red stripes would not be stable when transmitted. The Duke simply reached into his pocket and produced another, plain, tie, and said he thought there might be a problem with the stripes!
Of course there was a mega technical hitch before we could start, I totally forget why, but while it was sorted out I sat in the studio with the Duke, surrounded by the young people, and got him chatting to pass the time, which wound up with him teaching me, and the young people, how to fly a helicopter. He was an excellent teacher! He made no fuss about the delay, and when we eventually came to make the programme he was first class, easy to talk to, listened well, patient and encouraging. I realised that his training in going round factories and housing estates and meeting people who were very nervous and putting them at their ease, was the perfect training for a television interviewer. NFA ID 79627
saw the production of 22 documentary films.
Two films concerned aspects of industrial relations and were made by well known directors.
"Talk About Work" (click here to view from BFI) was directed by Ken Loach, who was well known for his films on social themes. It was intended for audiences of young people to provide some insight into the nature of work. This purpose was achieved by showing groups of young people informally discussing their working situation and providing candid opinions of their feelings about their work and how they coped.Made by Ronald H Riley Films directed by Ken Loach NFA ID 61772
"The Industrial Relations Act 1971: An Introduction" Michael Tuchner directed. Tuchner had a considerable record in television both in documentaries and also in television plays with several nominations for BAFTA Awards.Made by the Rank Organisation directed by Michael Tuchner NFA ID 9850 "Settled Out Of Court" looked at the implications, in Scotland, for the establishment of children’s panels to replace juvenile courts.Made by International Film associated directed by Laurance Henson NFA ID 7471
"INSAAF " (click here to view from BFI) was about the working of the Race Relations Act of 1968. An important film. Made by James Archibald Films directed by Robert Giles NFA ID 61378
"Training Pays" was about the need to plan training schemes with great care so that they are efficient. Benefits are that well planned schemes provide highly skilled employees and can shorten the length of apprenticships. Made by Michael Forlong Productions directed by Joe Mendoza NFA ID 80420
"Never Go with Strangers" (click here to view from BFI) directed by Sarah Erulkar was another example of a very respected director with a substantial history of directing films with a social purpose. In this case warning children of the dangers of trusting strangers. Made by Balfour Films directed by Sarah Erulkar NFA ID 79479
"It’s One Way of Helping" a film aimed at school leavers to promote the many aspects of nursing that provide worth while careers. Directed by David Williams for Rayant Pictures. NFA ID 75497
"The Work of Kew Gardens" demonstrated the range of scientific research in agriculture and horticulture carried out by Kew Gardens.Made by Helen Wiggins Productions directed by A E C Hopkins NFA ID 86307
"The Man In The Job" explained the role of job appraisal interviews being introduced into the Civil service. Made by S B Modules Ltd directed by Hugo Munro. NFA ID 60400
"Betcha" promoted the National Cycling Proficiency Certificate. Made by World Wide Films directed by David Eady NFA ID 76052
"To Close For Comfort"comedian Reg Varney demonstrated the dangers of not providing adequate space between vehicles.Made by Film Producers Guild directed by Stan Hill NFA ID 76047
"Traffic In Derby" considered the importance traffic management schemes. Made by Insight Productions. NFA ID 82553
"Talking of Science" support for promoting understanding of scientific research were the theme of the film in which scientists at the Rutherford Laboratory and the other research organisations discuss aspects of their work for the benefit of children.Made by James Archibald Films directed by Robert Giles NFA ID 75583
"Engineering in Medicine"reviewed the ways in which engineers and medical scientists worked to develop new tools that are essential for hospitals. Made by Maxwell Munden Productions NFA ID 79985
Recruitment for the armed services provided four films:
"Med Patrol" was about the aircraft carrier Ark Royal and her crew on patrol Made by United Motion Pictures directed by Tony James NFA ID 85920
"Three Girls with A Purpose"was intended as a recruiter for nurses in the Navy.Made by Drummer Films directed by Bob Holness NFA ID 85943
"HMS Dryad" was a film about the shore station where the navy trained radar operators.Directed by Martin Rolfe NFA ID 85941
"Royal Marines" shows night exercises and the various tasks assigned to the Marines. A fast paced impressionistic film displays the challenges faced by Marines. Directed by David Williams for Ronald H Riley. NFA ID 79509
"Sound an Alarm" explained the role and operation of the Warning and Monitoring organisation that exists to provide early warning of pending air attacks including nuclear attacks. Directed by Anthony Short for Interfilm. NFA ID 79502
"Here’s Ernie" explained the electronic working of Ernie as it produced a random selection numbers for winning premium bonds. Made by Helen Wiggins Productions Directed by A E C Hopkins NFA ID 6684
" National Air Traffic Control Services- Communications in Control" was the third film in a series.Made by Verity Films directed by Bill Mason NFA ID 238795
saw the release of 17 documentary films.
"The 1000th Chance"demonstrated to householders the drill to be adopted when a fire breaks out in the home. Directed by Robert Young for James Archibald NFA ID 331525
"Danger From Fire" showed that most fires in the home are caused by carelessness. It points to precautions that householder can take. Directed by Robert Young for James Archibald. NFA ID 76975
"Engineering the Hovertrain" was about the development of a train capable of running at 300 mph using the principles of the hovercraft. Made by James Archibald Films directed by Robert Giles NFA ID 77167
Three recruiting lms for the armed services were produced:
"Life with A Difference" looked at the life of an officer in the Wrens in the UK and in Gibralter. Made by Antony Barrier Productions directed by Tobin Jackson NFA ID 85937
"Dragon Squadron" showed the work of a patrol group in Hong Kong.Made by World Wide Pictures directed byTony James NFA ID 85933
"Frigate" showed typical episodes of life at sea off Madeira concentrating on the work of the officers. Made by Film Producers Guild directed by Clive Mitchell NFA ID 76639 All three films were intended for showing to late teenagers.
"Ice Is The Enemy" produced for the Ministry of Defence was a training film about the dangers of ice for helicopters and the action to prevent it. Directed by Stephen Clarkson for Films of Today. NFA ID 82168
"The Opportunist" featured the daily life of a neatly suited gentleman going off for a days work strolling around suburban streets looking for opportunities for easy access to houses. It was a very clever film for the Home Office, warning the public about burglars. Made by Ray Elton Films directed by Jeff Inman. NFA ID 76631 "Who Cares – Careers in Social Work" was a film about the integration and expansion of social work in Scotland in the early 1970’s. These changes led to more job opportunities.Made by Anvil films directed by Murray Grigor NFA ID 81335
"Keeper and Kept" (click here to view from BFI) short documentary about how prison officers are trained and the impact this has on the staff and prisoners of Wakefield maximum security prison.
"Caring For People" explores the life of a student nurse and examines her reasons for taking up nursing. Directed by David Cobham. NFA ID 76677
"L for Logic" (click here to view from BFI) driving lessons are not just about road skills, but also learning how to pass the test. This film sets out to demystify the experience and explain the logic behind the test process. We see a young driver take his test in the North West London suburbs, as well as an older driver's continued reliance on the same techniques – and what happens when they are forgotten. Directed by David Eady for Ronald H Riley. NFA ID 77229
"Communication in Air Traffic Control" reviewed changes in the communications systems for air traffic control between the 1930’s and the 1970’s. funded by the Civil Aviation Commission, directed by Bill Mason for Verity Films NFA ID 417026
"Aerial Synthesis" describes a technique , evolved by the Cavendish Laboratory to meet the needs of radio astronomers for very large telescopes. Directed by William Woolard for Interfilm. NFA ID 76786
"Not So Much a Warehouse" demonstrated an automated warehouse for grocery distribution operated by the Cooperative Wholesale Society. NFA ID 76085
"Metrication and Agriculture" reviewed the effects of metrication on agriculture and provides advice to the farming community. Directed by Peter Hopkinson for Marcus Cooper Productions. NFA ID 75563
"Care of Timber" explained the correct practice in the care of cut timber. Funded by the Department for the Environment. Directed by Tom Williamson for Rayant Pictures. NFA ID 76141
"The Act and the Individual " described the rights of workers under a new Industrial Relations Act. Made by Rank Organisation Short Films Directed by Frank Worth. NFA ID 76588
"New Land for Old" (click here to view from BFI) the reclamation and landscaping of derelict industrial sites across Nottinghamshire
saw the release of 28 documentary films.
"Nobody Told George - Public Participation In Planning" was commissioned by the Department of the Environment to illustrate an element in recent legislation that provided for the public to participate in the planning process for changes to the environment. The public had a right be consulted on any changes and the film encourages people to do so.
It was very interesting since the film used a structure based on street theatre to enliven and clarify the information being provided. The COI Producer was Anthony Friedman and the film was produced through WSTV using Samuelson Films Services. It was directed by Piers Jessop. The team who produced the film were quite outside the normal run of Film Division contractors. NFA ID 87338
"The Vital Earth " a most interesting documentary was about the role of foreign aid to India and the part played by British aid in the development of the country. Produced by Millbank Films and directed by Ian Morrison. NFA ID 81245
"Europe to London" marked the British entry to the EEC and the extent to which European interests were already established in the UK. This film was produced in house by Film Division for the Foreign Office. NFA ID 167647
"Concorde the 24 Hour World" was also produced in house by Film Division. It is a history of British aviation since the 1920s as well as featuring Concorde itself with scenes of Concorde on test flight and its world tour in 1972.Produced in house Directed by John Costello and Terence Hughes NFA ID 77177
"Flight 618" an RAF Vulcan bomber lands at Cyprus. A recruiting film showing all those involved in moving the aircraft from the UK. Directed by Clive Mitchell for Technical and Scientific Films. NFA ID 77961
"Skill-at-Arms" a film about the role of the RAF Regiment and the career opportunities that it offers. Directed by Eric Marquis for Film Producers Guild. NFA ID 77959
"Submarines" a Royal Navy training film about the shock and damage caused by underwater explosions. Directed by Simon Campbell-Jones for Ronald H Riley. NFA ID 896086
"Surface Ships "demonstrates the damage that can be done to a ship by underwater explosions. Made by RHR Films directed by simon Campbell-Jones NFA ID 82161
"Dragon Squadron" shows the work of a Patrol Craft Squadron in Hong Kong Made by world Wide films directed by Tony James NFA ID 85933
"Officer in the UK and Gibralter." a recruiting films for the Royal NavyDirected by Robert Jackson for Anthony Barrier Productions
"Life With A Difference" showed the life and training for an officer in the WRNS in UK and Gibraltar. Made by Anthony Barrier Productions directed by Robin Jackson NFA ID 85937
"Radar for Air Traffic Control" demonstrates the ways in which radar is used by Air Traffic controllers when guiding aircraft to land. Directed by Nick Ralph for Film Producers Guild. NFA ID 78665
"Disgusted Binchester "animated film by Nick Spargo showed that each piece of social legislation over the centuries has caused great fuss. Film focuses on the Race Relations Act of 1968. Funded by the Race Relations Commission.Made by Nicholas Cartoon Films directed by Nick Spargo NFA ID 27943 "Mind How You Go" a road safety film for children linked to the Green Cross Code. Directed by Don Higgins for Balfour films. NFA ID 232885
"Home Beat Policeman" (click here to view from BFI) PC Jim Yates patrols his patch - the streets of Notting Hill - in this film about the local policeman on his rounds.
"Keep Right" a film produced for Army personnel who will be driving on the right hand side of the road when they are posted to European countries. Made by Basic Films NFA ID 85915
"The Hidden Barrier" a film for nurses and doctors about the techniques of “barrier nursing” which prevents the spread of infection in a hospital ward where a patient has an infectious disease. Directed by Robert Kitts for Gerard Holdsworth . NFA ID 192496
"Simply Metric" (click here to view from BFI) was an introduction to metric weights and measures. Directed by Anthony Searle for World Wide Pictures NFA ID 78079
"Better Ships Tomorrow" showed the work of the National Physical Laboratory Ship Division and the service it provides for ship design. Directed by Phil Wrestler for Tri Films. NFA ID 78566
"Work With Water" a film on the work of the Hydraulics Research Station in solving issues dealing with the control of water. Directed by Peter Hopkinson for Millbank Films. NFA ID 78548
"Laser Holography New Tool for Measurement" demonstrated the principles and applications of the use of holographic measurements in industry and research. Intended for engineers, research workers and students Directed by David Cons for British Films and funded by DTI. NFA ID 78483
"Richness and Complexity" looked at the work of the British Research Councils with their objective of striving to extent the boundaries of knowledge. Produced by James Archibald and directed by Robert Giles. NFA ID 81011
"Shows That Sell" illustrated the help given to British Exporters in overseas markets by the Overseas Trade Board. Directed by Ray Townsend for World Wide Pictures. NFA ID 78085
"What Are They doing At College?" a film about the benefits of further education through discussions with students. Directed by John Krish for Graphic Films. NFA ID 76729
"Caring For History" portrayed the work of the Ancient Monuments Division of the Department of the Environment in preserving ancient structures.Made by Balfour Films directed by Richard Bingham NFA ID 78853
"English As A Second Language" (click here to view from BFI) a film about techniques for teaching children whose English is a second language. Directed by Alan Murgayroyed for Manchester Polytechnic. NFA ID 83650
"Language – One Teachers Way" demonstrated the conversational teaching technique of a Mrs Muriel Pyrah a Yorkshire primary school teacher. NFA ID 78024
"Men in a Nursing Team " looking at the particular roles played by men in certain nursing teams. Directed by Julian Spiro for Rayant Pictures. NFA ID 78017
"Anything Can Happen" shows the variety of police work in the UK. A recruiting film. Directed by David Eady for World Wide Pictures NFA ID 756676
"Seven Million Acres" surveys in the early 1970s had revealed that some 7 million acres of farmland could be made more productive if they were properly drained, Government subsidies were introduced, the purpose of this film was explain and provide evidence to farmers to undertake this work. Directed by Robert Kitts for CJD Productions. NFA ID 84656
" The Ballot Box Not the Bomb" was a record of the last few days before the elections of June 28th 1973 for the new Northern Ireland Assembly. Film reflects attitudes to proportional representation and shows candidates campaigning. NFA ID 6967
saw the release of 23 documentary films.
Nine of the documentary films were for the armed services as follows:
"Bird Strike " described the problems and dangers from a range of different birds who fly over or near airfields. Produced by James Archibald and directed by Robert Giles NFA ID 377740
"Arctic Survival" described the issues arising from a helicopter crash on the arctic tundra Made by World Wide Films directed by Anthony Searle NFA ID 81873
"Arctic Patrol " described marine training for an attack on a target in the arctic.Made by World Wide Pictures directed by Phillhip Harland NFA ID 77955
"South Pacific Survey" described the duties of officers and ratings on a survey ship in the south Pacific. A recruiting film.Made by World wide Pictures directed by Tony James NFA ID 83439
"Flight Safety –Your Business" a navy film about the common causes of aircraft accidents. Directed by Ray Townsend for World Wide Pictures NFA ID 81322
"Call For REME" a recruiting film designed to demonstrate the range of skills and trades required for REME in order to be able to service the equipment in a modern army. Directed by Jonathan Ingrams for Pacesetter Productions. NFA ID 81315
"When You Wake Up" a recruiting film aimed at 16 year old school leavers and older girls to show the range of jobs available in the WRAC. Directed by James Allen for Paragon Films. NFA ID 81314
"Facing the Future" recorded an interview board for an Executive Officer post in the Civil service. The recording was intended as a training film for board members.Made by Verity FilmsDirected by Seafield Head NFA ID 169355
"The YoungExecutives" showed the degree of management responsibility carried by many junior posts in the Civil Service. Intended for school students approaching school leaving age.Made by RHR films directed byDavid Williams NFA ID 328932
Both films the above two films were produced for the Civil Service Commission
"Prison Officer Smith" was a recruitment film for prison officers.Made by Picture Palace Films NFA ID 6978
"It’s all Man Made" was about industrial hazards. Commissioned by the Department of the Environment it illustrated the problems by following the River Trent that passes through almost every hazard in the UK. Directed by Robert Young for James Archibald. NFA ID 78391 "Alice in Label Land" was an ambitious animation film made by cartoonist Richard Taylor. It looked in detail at the issues surrounding the labelling of food using the characters of Alice in Wonderland. Intended for use by consumer groups the public and older children Made by Richard Taylor Cartoons NFA ID 81267
"Accidents Are Seldom Accidents" a safety film about accidents involving farm tractors. Directed by Euan Pearson for Basic Films. NFA ID 78393
"Danger From Fire" updated version of earlier film about the dangers of fire in the home. Directed by Robert Young for James Archibald. NFA ID 76975
"Ready For The Road" a film about the National Cycling Proficiency Scheme encouraging attendance at training sessions. Directed by Sarah Erulkar for Balfour Films. NFA ID 82240
"The Farmhouse in the Landscape" is a film that looks at the responsibility of farmers toward the appearance of the countryside. It suggests that with some forethought about materials and siting new buildings can blend attractively with the landscape. Directed by Colin Leighton for Element Films. NFA ID 82178
"The Elegant Solution" looks at four separate scientific developments that provide “elegant solutions to problems”. NFA ID 762337
"At Work On A Cushion Of Air" describes a variety of applications of the hovercraft principle to industrial situations. Funded by the Department for Trade and Industry (DTI) and Directed by Alan Ross for United Motion Pictures. NFA ID 82057
"Design and the Engineer" illustrates the role of engineering designers in the development of new products. The intended audience were students age 13-16 choosing a career. Funded by the DTI, directed by Euan Pearson for Anvil Flms NFA ID 78018
"Management Survey In Action and Management Survey in Hospitals" were two films about a system developed for the NHS to assess the effectiveness of practices and organisation within the NHS. Directed by Anthony Searle for World Wide Pictures. NFA ID 225586
"The Time To Act " explained the work of an Industrial Rehabilitation Unit. The intended audience were doctors whose patients might be sent to such a Unit. Produced for the Department of Employment directed by David Williams for World Wide Pictures. NFA ID 77914
" Health at the Centre" (click here to view from BFI) the community health centre is "the biggest advance in general practice since antibiotics" as one doctor puts it, enabling doctors to work together rather than individually in their own houses.
"Doing Something Worthwhile " a recruiting film to encourage older women to return to a nursing career. Directed by David Williams for Rayant Pictures. NFA ID 81402
"Ernie" is a detailed explanation of the operation of the Premium Bond lottery. Directed by Richard Collin for Gerald Holdsworth Productions. NFA ID 6688
"Craftsman of Dinorwic" was about the traditional craft skills associated with the slate quarries of Dinorwic. Made by UMP Films directed by Romola Christopherson NFA ID 82094
saw the release of 36 documentary films.
Perhaps the most significant production of 1975 was the least creative film ever made by the Film Division.
"Protect and Survive" was a series of 20 short films designed to provide advice to the public on how to survive in the event of an attack on the UK using atomic bombs.
The films were made with high degree of secrecy. The Home Office had prepared a series of pamphlets providing information about how to survive a nuclear attack illustrated with simple drawings. Home Office wanted these illustrated pamphlets transferred to film. The simple line drawings would provide the pictures, the narration would be the text. Very few people in COI were aware of the series. Film Division Producer Gerald (Gerry) Evans worked with veteran animator Richard Taylor to produce the pictures in a form that could be handled in a television studio using minimum crew. The narrator was Patrick Allen. The shoot was directed by Bill Stewart. In terms of creativity there was little or nothing Film Division could add to the project. In the event the finished project was held up to some ridicule given the nature of the advice being offered. NFA ID 97357
"In The Movies It Doesn’t Hurt" produced an excellent film with a lively style on the unlikely subject of safety in school chemistry lessons. Using comedy actor Bernard Bresslaw as presenter a number of scenarios were used to illustrate situations that could go wrong. With a very good script and presentation the film is a good example of how to use comedy allied with the strengths of the film medium to get across crucial messages in a memorable way.Director Robert Young with Illustra Films NFA ID 81927
"The Motorway File" used the television investigative reporter Edgar Lustgarten to examine and report on the causes of some motorway accidents.Made by Philip Bond Productions directed by Ferdinand Fairfax NFA ID 82246
"Drive Carefully Darling" John Krish brought his long experience of road safety to a film on the importance of careful driving. Imaging the thoughts going through the mind of a motorist the course to the eventual death was plotted.Made by Graphic Films directed by John Krish NFA ID 82243
"The Losers" (click here to view from BFI) was about crime prevention in relation to car thefts. Four cases of car theft were examined. Directed by David Cammell for Illustra Films. NFA ID 81293
"I Stopped I Looked and I Listened" a road safety film aimed at senior citizens Directed by John Krish for the Moving Picture Company NFA ID 82247
"It Shall Be the Duty- an Introduction To the Health and Safety At work Act' a film intended to be shown to employers about the working of the 1974 Act. Made by Illustra Films directed by Michael Tuchner. NFA ID 81189
"Save It: Energy in Industry" was the first of many films on the need to conserve energy through looking at th ways energy could be saved. It was directed by Ian Morrison and produced by William Stewart at Granville Television. NFA ID 83389
"About Parole " a film about the work of Parole Boards through interviews with several members of a Board. NFA ID 695463
"A Way In" a film about how to use outside school resources in teaching. The illustration is a Latin class at an Oxford school visiting Bath. Directed by Julian Roberts for Creative Film Makers. NFA ID 83601
"History Outside the Classroom" was funded by the Department for Education it discussed ways of teaching history using resources that might be found away from the classroom. Made by Creative Film Makers Directed by Julian Roberts. NFA ID 83596
"First Schools: A Recent Development" looked at new ways of structuring primary education. The film introduced innovations in primary education. Directed by Anthony Short for Interfilm NFA ID 81454
"The Right Type" shows school technology projects in which students work as a team but take responsibility for particular aspects of a project. Film aimed at students with an interest in engineering. Made by New Decade Films NFA ID 272089
"Design For Health" a film about British expertise in the design and development of hospital equipment a facility of the Department for Health. Directed by Rock Hunphreys for United Motion Pictures NFA ID 87373
"Handle With Care" illustrated with a mixture of live action and animation the main rules of First Aid when handling casualties. Produced for the Royal Navy, directed by Guy Fergusson for Stewart Hardy Films. NFA ID 84213
"You’ll Make Up Your Own Minds" was a recruitment film for careers in the Civil Service for engineers, architects and surveyors. A number of serving Civil Servants are interviewed at sites around the UK. Directed by Iam Morrison for Samuelson Film Services. NFA ID 60368
"Challenge For A Lifetime " illustrates the training, career structure and opportunities available to new recruits in the police service. Directed by Jonathan Ingrams for Anvil Films. NFA ID 81399
"It Takes All Sorts" is a recruitment film for hospital staff working in back-up services such as ward clerk, electricians and catering staff. Directed by David Williams for Rayant Pictures. NFA ID 205529
"Any Ships Out There" a film about the work of four students from a comprehensive school in Nottingham who developed an experimental directional device to receive radar transmissions from a ships radar that could be used by small boats. Directed by Philip Harland for New Decade Films. NFA ID 117536
"Art of the Bowman" traced the history of archery from the earliest civilisation . NFA ID 85369
"Early Firearms" traced the history of firearms from the 14th century. These were two films made for the Department of the Environment English Heritage. They were made by a small production unit Keith Z Ord Ltd. The unit had been used by the Overseas Television Services on a number of occasions when a small and flexible unit was required. It fitted the needs and budgets of these subjects NFA ID 84522
"Auxillary Coastguard" demonstrates the work of this service in support of the Regular Coastguard. Directed by Clive Mitchell for Ronald H Riley. NFA ID 82132
"Portland Ahead" was shot during actual operational sea training. The film shows frigates undergoing a training programme off Portland. Directed by David Williams for Ronald H Riley NFA ID 83437
"RAF Police" features the work of the RAF police when guarding air fields and air craft security. A recruitment film. Directed by David Stevens for World Wide Pictures. NFA ID 83435
"Of National Importance" was about the RAF Police for the Ministry of Defence Police: again a recruitment film.Made by World wide Pictures Directed by David Stevens NFA ID 83434 "Out Of The Rut" a recruitment film for RAF ground trades. Directed by David Stevens for World Wide Pictures NFA ID 85930
"Seeing Is Believing" describes in non-technical language advances in the use of computer graphics. Directed by Brian Earley for Anvil Films NFA ID 82046
1976 was in many ways a vintage year. It saw the release of 26 documentary films. Moreover it was a good year for interesting and challenging subjects.
"Nobody Told George Public Participation in Planning" produced not only a challenging subject but an innovative solution. The subject was to encourage the public to take advantage of new legislation that enabled a greater degree of public participation in planning decisions for new developments. The solution was to frame the subject in the context of a piece of street theatre. The production facility company was WSTV Ltd and the director was Piers Jessop. The film was produced by Anthony Friedman who was a free lance producer under contract to Film Division. NFA ID 87338 NA ID INF34/1061
"Habitat UK 76" was a challenge to produce a group of films as the British contribution to the United Nations 1976 Habitat Conference on the built environment. The structure of the Conference was to invite participating nations to each provide a film about their approach planning new towns and cities (Habitat) together with some satellite films dealing with specific issues in greater depth. The thrust of the UK film was review government planning since 1945. The production company was James Garrett and Partners and the director was Anthony Wilkinson. It was produced by Robin Duval then Film Division Head of Home Film Production. NFA ID 85066
"Not So Much A Face Lift " was also in the area of concern about the built environment . The film discussed the attractions of General Improvement Areas (GIAs) in Norwich, Blackburn and Oxford. These schemes envisage areas of older buildings both residential and business being renovated. They were a consequence of the Housing Act of 1969 so a number were existence by the time this film was made under the sponsorship of the Department of the Environment. Directed by Philip Harland for World wide Pictures
"So We’re Different" (click here to view from BFI) was a fascinating study of “special education schools” for handicapped children otherwise referred to as children with learning difficulties. Directed by Mark Eliot who had been on the Film Division staff. It was produced by WSTV Ltd. NFA ID 86092
"HMP" was a film remarkable for the lack of involvement by the sponsoring department. It was a film about the prison system for the Home Office. The purpose of the film was mainly to convey an impression of life in a prison including the views of prisoners to the general public with a secondary purpose as a film to recruit prison officers. Home Office told Film Division that they wanted the film to be an objective impression without any detailed requirements being laid down by the Home Office. The chosen writer/director was John Krish for his known skills as a sympathetic director and for his knowledge of prisons from his volunteer work as a prison visitor. He was given complete freedom to choose which prison was used for the film and the material filmed. Finally, and most remarkably, when the film was shown to the Board of the Prison Service it was universally warmly approved with no requests for any changes. A considerable tribute to John Krish.Made by James Garrett Films NFA ID 194239
"Part of The Team" a recruitment film for careers in the Women’s Royal Air Force (WRAF). Directed by Christian Marnham for James Garrett NFA ID 88255
"H M S Sheffield"directed by Clive Mitchell, portrayed life aboard a guided missile destroyer. A good example of a well made action packed documentary produced for recruiting purposes.Made by BB&H Films directed by Peter Downey NFA ID 95079
"Hands To Flying Stations" a film aboard HMS Ark Royal showing the preparations for flying operations. Directed by Paddy Hughes for the Overseas Film and Television Centre NFA ID 83438
"Strike Squadron" follows four pilots in the last weeks of training before posting to a new Jaguar squadron in Germany: a recruiting film, directed by Ken Ashton for James Garrett. NA ID 85928
"Greenwich: A People’s Heritage" Anthony Simmons made an elegant evocative film about Greenwich, with its fine historical buildings and the Royal Observatory . Made for the Department of the Environment and Produced by Leon Clore at Graphic Films.
"The Building of The Tower of London" was produced by Balfour Films as an educational film. NFA ID 85106
"Nineteenth Century Firearms" was produced by Keith Z Ord . It was another in his series for the Educational Department of the Tower of London . NFA ID 86826
These three historical heritage films were funded by the Department of the Environment.
"Women In Science" looked at the work of four women scientists, Nobel Prize Winner Dorothy Hodgkin, engineer Mary Kendrick, astronomer Dr Jocelyn Burnell and child psychologist Dr Corrine Hutt. Sponsored by the Foreign Office as part of the projection of Britain overseas. NFA ID 766006
"The Waste of Waste Land" a film about how Stoke On Trent used a government reclamation scheme to convert a derelict site to a recreation area. Directed by John Doff for Corpro NFA ID 85086
"Stay On Your Feet" reconstructs actual accidents that have occurred on farms including interviews with people who suffered injury. Directed by Philip Wrestler for TRI Films NFA ID 84829
"Waste Management" about ways in which industry works to prevent waste and how it recycles waste to provide new raw materials , also uses it to create energy. Directed by David Clarke. NFA ID 84571
"Audit! " aimed at decision makers in industry to demonstrate the crucial role played by an energy audit in achieving the efficient use of energy. Directed by Ian Morrison for WSTV. NFA ID 85870
"Clean and Pleasant Land" showed the work of the Warren Springs Research Laboratory to combat pollution in British rivers.. Made by World Wide Pictures NFA ID 84190
"Police Command" is a film about the Police College at Bramshill provides higher training for present and future leaders in the police service. Directed by Clive Mitchell for Anvil Films NFA ID 83420
"Police Graduate Recruitment" (click here to view) a recruitment aimed at undergraduates Directed by Janice Kay
The Referee (click here to view from BFI) an animation film explaining the work of the Race Relations Board. Made by World Wide Pictures NFA ID N-632957 "Rabies – A Dangerous Frontier" explains how Britain operates a strict system of search, control and quarantine to keep this disease under control. NFA ID 86637
"Guarding Machinery" aimed at designers and manufacturers of industrial machinery demonstrating four main methods of machine guarding against the possibility of accidents. Directed by David Stanford for James Garrett. NFA ID 7061
"There’s Work To Be Done" was a film about the new Manpower Services Commission and its job creation scheme. Directed by Bill Stewart NFA ID N-596174
"Don’t Tell The Lads" a dramatised documentary illustrating the necessity for the regular monitoring of industries where lead poisoning is possible. Directed by Chris Springhall for James Garrett. NFA ID 5872
"Not So Much A Facelift" a film advocating the attractions of buying older houses and renovating them with the help of government grants in General Improvement Areas. Directed by Philip Harland for World Wide Pictures. NFA ID 2664
"We Get Around" a film about the work of Careers Officers. After a visit to a fairground a group of teenagers beg a lift with two careers officers. During the journey they talk informally to the officers about their doubts and uncertainties and their hopes and fears for the future. Intended for young people and school leavers. Directed by Robert Young for Illustra Films, written by Peter Whelan NFA ID 86027
" Partnership for Prosperity" film about how the Lome Convention worked in relation to countries exporting raw materials to Europe . Produced in house directed by Bill Metcalfe. NFA ID 85861
a year that saw of the completion of 26 documentary films.
"Story of an Area School" is a film very much in the tradition of the social documentary. It is a subject that would have been grasped by any of the great names of the social film. The issue is the replacement of five, much loved, rural schools, by one area school. Handled with considerable sensitivity the film reflects the fears, hopes and suspicions of the upheaval in these five villages in Wales. directed by Ian Morrison for WSTV NFA ID 86002
"Apaches" (click here to view from BFI) a film centred on children It looks at the dangers of playing on and around farms. The tribe of Apaches suffer many injuries and even deaths from farm machinery and slurry pits in the course of fighting their war. Very realistic in its approach it made a considerable impression when shown to its intended audience in rural schools directed by John Mackenzie for Graphic Films. NFA ID 4613
"Any One of Us" for the Department of Health looked at the skills and devotion required in the nursing of the mentally ill and those with severe learning difficulties. directed by David Williams for Balfour Films.
"A Little Goes A Very Long Way" explains some of the many ways in which blood supplied by donors is used.. Directed by Rock Humphreys for United Motion Pictures. NFA ID 218247
"Night Call" (click here to view from BFI) a drama documentary road safety film about the dangers of driving at night on motorways. There's a shade of Tales of the Unexpected to this polished, Gothic-tinged road safety film, in which a driver's obsessive quest to learn the identity of the 'perfect driver' he spots on the motorway has deadly consequences. Viewers might see the twist in the tail coming, but there's plenty of atmosphere, real 70s style and a dash of humour (intentional and otherwise) in the telling. Directed by Ferdinand Fairfax, two years before Night Call, he turned in a similarly idiosyncratic road safety film for the Department of the Environment, The Motorway File (1975), presented by Edgar Lustgarten.Made by Illustrate Films directed by Ferdinand Fairfax NFA ID 87108
"Belize In Focus" a film about the British colony in the British Honduras islands. Produced in house for the Foreign Office and directed by Ian Morrison. NFA ID 12831
"Administrative Appointments" a recruiting film for the Civil Service about administrative opportunities in the senior levels of the Civil service. Made by UMP Fils. NFA ID 111174
"Any One Of Us" illustrated the specialised techniques required in the nursing of the mentally ill and mentally handicapped. It was intended for people considering nursing as a career. Directed by David Williams for Balfour Films. NFA ID 88778
"Strike Squadron ' a film about the role of aircrews in the strike/ attack squadrons of the RAF. Made by James Garrett Films directed by Ken Ashton NFA ID 294321
"Seventies UK" illustrated examples of British industrial projects both in the UK and overseas. Produced in house, Directed by Tony Thomson and Produced by Judy Davison NFA ID 88184
"Look To the Sea" was about the Marine Laboratory in Aberdeen which served the fishing industry. Sponsored by the Department for the Environment, Directed by Laurence Henson for International Film Associates NFA ID 87009
"Echoes of the Past" was a tour of eight major historic sites in South Wales funded by the Department of the Enviroment. Directed by Jeff Grant for Balfour films. NFA ID 89467
"Repeating Guns" was the last in a trilogy of films on the history of repeating guns from the 15th century to present times. Directed by Keith Z Ord and made for the Department of the Environment. NFA ID 86825
"The Conservation of Natural Building Stone " showing how and why damage occurs to stone buildings and ways of prevention. Directed by Keith Z Ord for the Building Research Establishment. NFA ID 92108
"Traffic Noise and Sound Insulation" illustrated ways in which traffic noise can be reduced in existing buildings. Directed by Keith Z Ord for the Department of the Environment. NFA ID 87298
"Oil Pollution – Beach Cleaning Techniques" showed the work of the Warren Springs Research Laboratory in developing new techniques and equipment for dealing with spillages of oil on beaches, Directed by Andrew Holmes for World Wide Pictures NFA ID 88716
"The Good Seed on the Land " shows farmers the advantages of growing crops from quality controlled seeds. Sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture, Directed by Euan Pearson for Anvil Films NFA ID 89009
"Navy Diver – Frog Men" a film about the work of Royal Navy Frog Men.Directed by John Davies for Telstar Productions. NFA ID 651394
"Eye on the Channel" (click here to view from BFI) the importance of the Channel Navigation Service's radar monitoring system in the Dover Strait
"The Sharp End " a recruiting film aimed at school leavers about technical and engineering fitters in the air force. Directed by Roland Brinton for Pacesetter Productions NFA ID 88256
"Appointments In Science" a recruiting film for potential candidates to the Science Group in the Civil Service.Made by Rank Video Centre directed by Marek Kanievska NFA ID 377213
"How About Engineering For You? " a television studio discussion between a panel of three senior executives from industry and the television presenter James Burke together with an audience of sixth formers about careers in engineering. Directed by Bill Stewart for WSTV. NFA ID 86024
"Not All At Sea" a film about the work of the Mineral Processing Division of Warren Springs Laboratory. Directed by Peter Hopkinson for World Wide Pictures. NFA ID 86239
"The Electron Rules The Waves" a film about the use of electronics in the Royal Navy based on the 1976 Faraday Lecture. Directed by Richard Collin. NFA ID 88944
"The S.A.V.E.R. Approach" shows how an energy manager can reduce fuel costs by cutting out waste and making is company more energy efficient. Directed by Robert Young for Corpro NFA ID 88191
Fourteen documentary films were completed in this year.
"12 Squadron: Buccaneers" was a film of particular quality. It was produced by Illustra Films and directed by Hugh Hudson who later directed the award winning feature film Chariots of Fire. It is a very good example of a director taking an otherwise routine subject and making a stunning film. The subject was a recruiting film for the RAF showing the deployment of a squadron of fighter bombers from the UK to Cyprus. The film demonstrated that a whole team of different specialists had to be moved as well the aircraft. The air to air photography of the flight and the inflight re-fuelling are excellent. Made by Illustra Films directed by Hugh Hudson NFA ID 92815
"Putting the Pieces Together" a film abut the importance of community based initiatives in the treatment of mental illness. The film describes the role of the community psychiatric nurse and the integrated psychiatric wing in District General Hospitals.Made by Balfour Films directed by David Williams NFA ID 91198
"So Easy To Pass By" were two films on mental health issues, both directed by David Williams and produced by Balfour Films NFA ID 91174
Regular requests for films of historical interest came from the Department of the Environment responsible for English Heritage and Ancient Monuments. The following were two such films.
"Sir Thomas More and the Tower" about the life of Sir Thomas More and his imprisonment in the Tower of London. Directed by John Riley Cooper for Little King and Partners. NFA ID 92424
"How a Man shall be Armyd" the film demonstrates the way in which a gentleman knight was helped to put on an actual suit of armour in a room in the Tower of London. It was made in-house, produced and written by Colin Still under contract to Film Division. NFA ID 91432
"Coronation and Kingship" the history of the Coronation ceremony. Directed by John Riley Cooper for Little King Productions. NFA ID 148922
"Building Sites Bite" about the dangers that lurk around building sites. Sponsored by the Health and Safety Executive, directed by David Hughes for Mighty Movie Company. NFA ID 88720
"Health At Work " is a film about the work of the Employment Medical Advisory Service in industry. Sponsored by the Health and Safety Executive directed by Andrew Holmes for World Wide Pictures. NFA ID 16845
"Tyrone Crystal" a film about the manufacture Irish crystal glass. NFA ID N-401745
"Timber- The Species for the Job" about the work of the Building Research Establishment in identifying different types of timber. Directed by Keith Z Ord. NFA ID 91834
"Managing Energy – Burners for Boilers" one of a series of films about saving energy. This film looks at the savings to be achieved through the correct use and maintenance of boilers.Made by anvil films directed by David Stevens NFA ID 12053
"Access for the Disabled" was about how buildings and streets can be designed to help the disabled. Made for the Silver Jubilee Committee funded by the Department for Health. NFA ID 617784
"Scientists In The Civil Service" showed three examples of research and development work in Government scientific establishments used to illustrate career opportunities for young people. Directed by Dennis Postle for Graphic Films. NFA ID 90493
"Graduate RN" told through a series of interviews with Naval Officers the story of how a graduate is trained at Dartmouth is told. Directed by Eric Davidson for Corpro NFA ID 90383
Twelve documentary films were completed in 1979
“The Move To Metric” was on the theme that was to involve more films was the decision to move from imperial weights and measures to metric weights and measures. It opened the public campaign. It was designed to present the views of the public, both those in favour and those against, to this major change. Produced by Wadlow Grosvenor Productions and directed by Peter de Normanville. NFA ID 81428
"The Inside View" demonstrated some of the latest techniques for internal examination of the human body. Sponsored by the Department of Health, directed by Ted Poulter. NFA ID 93570
"Access for the Disabled" showed a number of simple improvements that could be made by public authorities to overcome problems of access for disabled people. Directed by Keith Z Ord. NFA ID 110381
" Looking At A Castle" described how to discover the history, facts and background when visiting a castle. Intended for schools, colleges and visitors. NFA ID 94283
"The Amazing Laser" about the latest developments in the UK of holography and laser technology. Produced in house by Richard Reiz, directed by Eddie Newted NFA ID 93709
"20 Times More Likely" was a major road safety film aimed at motor cyclists. A dramatised film about a road safety training course. Directed by Robert Young for Corpro NFA ID 91652
"After Dark" (click here to view from BFI) Colin Welland winner the best screenplay Oscar for Chariots of Fire (1981) gives excellent advice on careful driving in hazardous night conditions. Colin is a straight-talking guide against hazardous drivers who don't amend their driving style for dark and wet conditions in the city or the countryside.
"Tanzania- A Developing Country" shows the efforts of the Tanzanian people to develop their economy by the use of new techniques in fishing and communal communities. Made by Morgan Daniels NFA ID 92527
"Apprenticeship for Living" follows the fortunes of a young man entering the Royal Navy as an artificer. Directed by Jeff Grant for World Wide Pictures NFA ID 92826
"Design-Waste of Materials" looks at the many ways in which the waste of materials can be reduced in buildings. Directed by Keith Z Ord NFA ID 92107
"Whatever Happened to the Countryside?" Looks at how post war cereal farming methods have altered the landscape of the countryside. Sponsored by the countryside Commission, Directed by Ronald Spencer for Pacesetter Productions. NFA ID 94256
"Action Coastguard" intended to show the broad range of work carried out by the Coastguard. Aimed at the sea going public. Directed by Roland Brinton for World Wide Pictures NFA ID 93805
"Break In" considers the emotional stress on the part of victims of a burglary. Joan Bakewell interviews two such victims . Directed by Abel Goodman for Gazelle Productions. NFA ID 92919
"School Anti Smoking - Trigger films"was a series of five trigger films for use in discussions with young people about the dangers of smoking. NFA ID 769738
"Children’ Nursing" a recruiting film for nurses wishing to specialise in work with children. Directed by Ian Morrison for WSTV Film Division Producer Annis James
"Engineering Projects In Schools" about teaching engineering skills. Directed by Euan Pearson for Ronald H Riley
For a list of documentary films made between 1970 and 1979 please go to the "Films we Made" heading on the navigation bar. It is very possible that not all documentary films made is this period have been identified. If you have information about any other films please write in through the "Contact Us" facility.