The production of Television Fillers whose history stretches back to 1952, and the start of commercial terrestrial broadcasting continued. The output was maintained and in the final years between 2006 and 2012 increased so that just under 100 television fillers were produced either as wholly new fillers or revisions of existing fillers. Although television transmissions were reduced in the last years a different and additional use of fillers was made by some departments on departmental web sites.
As in previous years Television Fillers were transmitted by commercial companies, ITV,Channel 4, Sky Television in unsold airtime and (less frequently) by the BBC. These arrangements for free transmission time had their origins through agreements made in 1952 by COI and the then commercial broadcasters.
An estimate provided by the Television Fillers Marketing team in February 2011 considered the value of the airtime achieved. Used by all major television channels in the UK, fillers were distributed to terrestrial and digital stations and, increasingly, screens in shopping malls, GP surgeries and local authority outlets. The combined equivalent media value for television had the viewing time been purchased, was of the order of £35.6 million in 2009/10.
While television fillers obtained free air time they were competing (as always) for audience attention with paid air time television commercials produced with very much larger production budgets. Nonetheless in order to be effective in terms of conveying the information messages the fillers had to match the creative quality of the commercials that were transmitted either side of them. If this did not happen they would have been perceived as being inferior in terms of creative and visual quality, in which case the companies might well have declined to transmit them.
The challenge was to achieve the appropriate quality with budgets that were typically around £50K to £80K or less than those for a similar commercial. This challenge was met with considerable success by a combination of creative ingenuity and trading on the power of the buyer (the MIAC Producer) in the television facilities market. Because television filler production was rarely under the same time pressure as commercials, it was possible to negotiate significantly lower rates for facilities such as editing, sound mixing and so forth.
Producer John Ross provides an example of a filler Options that was produced in 2008 for the Foreign Office to encourage older people to take out travel insurance despite the often prohibitive cost. The location brief was to depict the “worst hospital in the world” possibly in the Far East. The filler was shot in South Africa where talented crews were available at very reasonable rates. The location was created in a disused mental hospital outside Cape Town, the extras were found from Chinese restaurants and a very large Buddhist Temple in a small town near Pretoria. The end result was a television filler of an quality entirely equal to that of a television commercial while being shot in an exotic location, at a cost of £80k.
Television fillers were not subject to the same production culture as commercials. There was a much leaner business model, no advertising agencies, no teams of "creative people" to pander to on the shoot. There were no expensive "repeat fees" for artists and most importantly, it was possible to hire directors who were typically young, talented individuals looking to add a prestigious client to their show reel, rather than the highly-paid, some might say too highly paid, top commercials directors of the day. This view of the philosophy and approach to television fillers in the context of television commercials mirrors the situation in the 1960s through the 1980s.
The Marketing of Television Fillers was handled by a dedicated team that looked to maximize the use of the fillers when ever opportunities appeared.
Television Fillers Produced 2000 to 2004
Inland Revenue Self Assessment provided public information about this new system NFA ID 764033
Benefit Fraud warned about the extent of fraud. NFA ID 763794
Know What's In Your Luggage was produced for the Customs and Excise to encourage the public to know what was in their luggage when travelling to the Euro 2000 matches.Produced by John Ross
Ladder Safety - Surface first of a series about different aspects of the safe use of ladders. NFA ID N-5116530
Ladder Safety- Overreach as above NFA ID N-5116528
Ladder Safety - Angle. as above NFA ID N-5116527
Beside the Seaside a coastal safety filler warning of the dangers at seaside holidays. Tagline is be "Sea Smart" NFA ID 678452
Salesman Hot Car produced for the DVLA warning of the dangers of purchasing used cars.. N-528708 Adult Basic Skills - Gremlins encouraged people to dispose of their "Gremlins"(their lack of basic numeracy and literacy skills) and take basic skills courses. NFA ID 678511
Count Me In a public information filler about the 2001 Census NFA ID 763797 Police Recruitment NFA ID 716907
Fostering - Dessert no further information
Fostering - Cracks no further information
Mental Health -A New Life intended to raise awareness of what it is to have mental health problems with tag line " Mental Health Needs Open Minds" NFA ID 678456
Mental Health - Hands intended to raise awareness of what it is to have mental health problems with tag line " Mental Health Needs Open Minds" NFA ID 678458
Tool Hire spoof of a DIY make over television program in which people ignore safety instructions and end up in hospital. Produced by John Ross NFA ID 678461
Child Safety On The Internet You Never Know a male adult speaks with the voice of a child NFA ID 678515
Adult Basic Skills: Gremlins Campaign: Bad Dad promotes Basic Skills classes. A Gremlin taunts a father who is unable to help his daughter with her maths homework. Made by Stark films directed by David Hartley NFA ID 688993
Adult Basic Skills: Gremlins Campaign: Bank promotes Basic Skills classes. A Gremlin taunts a young man who is unable to fillet a form in a bank NFA ID 688994
Inland Revenue Tax Credits; Migration animation filler based on the design of a banknote which explains the new system applying for a tax credit NFA ID 68996
Experience Corps - My Generation was about a skills exchange organisation in which Rogerr Daltry of 'The Who" and teaches a busker how to play the guitar. The film was able to use the track of "My Generation" at no cost. Produced by John Ross NFA ID N-528708
Connexions - Listen Carefully promotes a Connexions a government funded advice and counselling service for 13-18 year old young people. NFA ID 731477
Fire Safety: Backwards about fire safety in the home withe the message "Know Your Escape Route Backwards" NFA ID 731476
Mobile Phones:Text reminds motorists not to use mobile phones while driving. NFA ID 731475
New Car Tax Rules: Here promoting new procedures for paying car road tax NFA ID 731471
Tax Credits- Balloon no further information (NFA ID 731488)
Anti Smoking Campaign: Artery shows the health risks of smoking: film shows fat dripping from the ends of cigarettes belonging to young people in a pub. NFA ID 731467
Passive Smoking: Smoking Kids warns about the dangers to small children of breathing in smoke from adult smokers. NFA ID 731470
Disability Awareness :Committee was part of the government's "see the person, not the disability" campaign. Male Chair of school governors committee assumes that the woman on crutches will want to take reponsibility for special needs , whereas she would prefer the finance post as she is a chartered accountant NFA ID 731466
Disability Awareness :Getting Served was part of the government's "see the person, not the disability" campaign.Attractive young deaf woman in noisy pub 'signs' her drinks order to the barman -he signs back. NFA ID 731486
Disability Discrimination: Reassuring reminder to"see the person, not the disability" campaign.A young woman with Downs Syndrome at a job interview is accepted wholeheartedly by manager as the winning applicant despite reservations by junior colleagues. NFA ID 731465
Pensions Credit promotes government's "pick it up it's yours" campaign aimed at encouraging pensioner's to claim a "top up" where they are eligible. NFA IF 731460
Child Immunisation:Signs promotes immunisation for children and young toddlers being pushed in prams and pushchairs who greet one another with"high fives" as they pass in the street. NFA ID 731487
Drugs Awareness: Talk About Drugs promotes government drugs information service NFA ID 431478
Drugs Awareness:Hugging warns about the dangers of taking "Ectasy"with the message "if only hugging were the only effect of Ecstasy " NFA ID 731479
Learn Direct: Doodles promotes a learning scheme provided through the 'Learn Direct' scheme. Doodles come to life on the back of an envelope. NFA ID 731498
Tax Credits: Balloon animation filler explaining changes in the rules relating to tax credits for children with tag line "it's money with your name on it" NFA ID 731488
National Care Standards Commission promotes the work of the Commission and its booklet "The Right to Care". An elderly woman sitting on a bed in a care home appears to be rocking in boredom frustration but in fact is enjoying music from her headphones. NFA ID 731512
Flu Jab reminder to the public to get their vaccination. Former boxer Henry Cooper tells the audience to "beat the flu before it beats you" NFA ID N-177287
Know Before You Go reminds travellers about the need for preparation of documents before travelling abroad. Made for the Foreign Office. Produced by John Ross. NF A ID 734608
Flu Immunisation: Bless You a reminder to the over 65s and people with health conditions such as asthma and diabetes to have a jab to protect themselves NFA ID N-177280
Television Fillers Produced 2005 to 2012
There is evidence that around 100 Television fillers were produced during these years. Accurate records of numbers and content are missing since the administration and production files were all on computer hard drives that are missing. If any viewer has more information about the television fillers produced at that time please make contact though the Contact Us facility on the Navigation Bar.
There are no records of any fillers being produced
Flu Immunisation :Cough a reminder to the over 65s and people with health conditions such as asthma to have a jab to protect themselves. This was an edited version of Flu Immunisation: Bless You NFA ID N- 177275
Holiday Insurance: Adds Up was sponsored by the Department of Trade and Industry to encourage the public to take out travel insurance when travelling abroad. Produced by John Ross NFA ID N-6847268
Frances the Firefly was an animated filler sponsored by DTI: aimed at children to deter them from using matches. First produced in 1990 by COI Producer Bruce Parsons. It was revised and reused in 2006.
Danny: Role of the Consul was produced for the Foreign Office. It drew attention to the services provided by the Consulates for UK travellers. NFA ID N-41195
Text-New Law and Thing of Beauty the Department for Transport sponsored two fillers the first about the dangers of texting while driving and the second about safe installation of child seats.
Climate Change (click here to view) was the subject of two fillers sponsored by the Food and Rural Affairs Department. Climate Change was a two minute filler that obtained amazing air time for its length. It was played as the entire break in the middle of the Channel 4 news on multiple occasions. Produced by Keri Powell NFA ID N-35903
Mistaken Identity - Pole Dancer was about the need to ensure that any data held on an individual was accurate and secure. A pole dances was revealed to be a pensioner. Made for the Information Commissioner Office NFA ID N-35882
Man In The Mirror warns about the dangers of identity theft and the need to protect personal information. A rather dowdy middle age manis buying a jacket in a shop when he sees the reflection of another , more sharply dressed man in the mirror who moves in exactly the same way that he does. The reflection tells the man that he stole a discarded bank statement from a bin and has since been using the mans personal details and identity to get credit cards and go on a spending spree. The voice over advises viewers to visit the Information Commissioners Office web site to obtain a personal identity tool kit. NFA ID N-35862
Blood Donor- George and Denise was a further appeal for blood donors by the Department for Health. Features Gordon Ramsey and George Alagiah NFA ID N-28912
Thing of Beauty road safety filler about child car seats and the correct way to use them. A child's voice describes how to install a car seat as a mother struggles to fit one. NFA ID N-35842
Electoral Commission a reminder of the need register to become eligible to vote. A young man sets off to vote but is prevented from doing so by a man with a tee shirt marked "Not registered" who tackles him to the ground outside the police station. NFA ID N- 28861
Second Hand Smoke- Wedding warns of the dangers of passive smoking reveals the toxic smoke of burning cigarettes at a wedding reception NFA ID N-28855
Deck the Halls – Fire Safety was commissioned by the Department for Communities and Local Government as a filler for fire safety at Xmas. It demonstrated how easily and quickly fire can take hold of a house decorated for the Xmas Season. NFA ID N-41202
Teenage Pregnancy – Never Again promoted the use of condoms among young people. A teenage girl describes to her friend how the night before she allowed her boyfriend to have sex with without a condom. She now regrets it.In parallel with this her boyfriend boasts to his friends that he 'scored; without using a condom. His mates look puzzled an to fit oned disapproving. A close up of graffiti on the wall reads "Want respect: use a condom" It was sponsored by the Schools and Families Department. NFA ID N-32383
HPV Vaccine - A Day In the Life of an Arm promoting the HPV vaccine for young girls NFA ID N- 32483
In Advance -version 1 one of a new series encouraging the public to donate blood. NFA ID N-386904
Directgov Awareness - Car Tax. animation filler about the services available from the new website including the ability to pay car tax. NFA ID N-33111
Mental Health - Hospital intended to raise awareness of discrimination against people with mental health conditions in the workplace. Uses the example of a recruitment situation in which the viewer is required to run a busy hospital department with responsibility for a large team. NFA ID N-41303
Modern Foreign Languages Nubia, Disiz and Neon C provided through "Learn Direct"ity Schools and Families Department also sponsored these three fillers to encourage the learning of foreign languages together with two fillers to promote the National Year of Reading. NFA ID n-32416
Modern Foreign Languages - football promotes the learning of foreign languages to your people. NFA ID N- 32431
Consequences light hearted filler promoting the [leasures of reading and the National Year of Reading.Comedians and other celebrities read short extracts from various books. NFA ID N-41217
Learn Direct - Des animation promoting the learning and training opportunities available through Learn Direct Features a character DEs who works in a toy factory but would like to be a supervisor. NFA ID N-32328
EMA - My Way promotes the Educational Maintenance Allowance (EMA) that provided financial assistance for students in further education. NFA ID N-354275 Tick Tock sponsored by the Information Commissioners Office provided guidance to local authorities about their obligations under the Freedom of Information Act through a scenario involving a Council and the residents of Upham Downs. Made by the Edge Picture Company NFA ID N- 763904 Veteran's Day (60 seconds) (click here to view) to celebrate Veterans Day 27 June. Veteran's Day (30 seconds) (click here to view) to celebrate Veteran's Day 27 June
Held Down, NFA ID N-41402
Water Bomb NFA ID N-41423
Desperate Plea NFA ID N-41440 were three fillers on the subject of cyber bullying, sponsored by the Schools and Families Department for Children.
Act on CO2 Bedtime Story, Ice Caps and Chimney were three television fillers that formed part of a campaign to conserve energy and reduce CO2 emissions. They were sponsored by the Department for Energy and the Department for Transport. NFA ID N-35336
Direct gov-Awareness Skills and Credit Crunch two fillers were produced to promote the Directgov website. NFA ID N-33149
Reading for Life: Consequences and National Year of Reading the Schools and Families Department sponsored two fillers promoting the pleasures of reading NFA ID N-386828.
Diplomas in Engineering (click here to view) produced for the Department of Education was about the availability of Diplomas in Engineering that were provided . Produced by Keri Powell
Stroke Awareness- Man Schools and Families Department sponsored this filler inorder to raise awareness of the physical signs of a stroke and the need for urgent contact with medical services. NFA ID N-33173
Hepititus C - Past aimed at South East Asian communities to raise awareness of the risk of catching the disease. NFA ID N-33194
Pandemic Flu- lift. was another filler in the series about influenza. NFA ID N-34158
Buy In The UK was a group of three fillers sponsored by the UK Border Agency aimed at the Nigerian community about the dangers of attempting to bring back food from Nigeria which would be confiscated. NFA ID N-39104
Check In reminds travellers going overseas of their need to to be prepared with travel insurance and other documents. NFA ID N-41366
Social Work Recruitment - Ticket encourages people to become to social workers particularly social workers for children. Sponsored by the Schools and Families Department NFA ID N-34195
Dementia Awareness Carol and Peter were two fillers sponsored by the NHS. They were designed to raise levels of awareness of the condition amongst the general public. NFA ID N-354309
Organ Donation the National Blood Service sponsored one of a number of fillers making an appeal on this subject.This one was aimed at the Afro-Caribbean population NFA ID N-39197
Saving Gateway- Grow Your Pennies animation filler promoting a government savings scheme in which individuals in receipt of benefit can save up to £25 a month based on the government giving 50 pence for each £1 saved..A plant grows from coins in a glass NFA ID N-39415
Road Safety: Van of Elvises the Department of Transport sponsored this television Filler about road safety on motorways. The van contained a group of Elvis Presley supporters behaving badly! NFA ID N-42030
Drug Trafficking: Too Late Now the Foreign Office sponsored a warning to travellers about the dangers of carrying drugs. NFA ID N-43042
Summary of Television Filler projects 2000 to 2012. There is evidence that over 100 projects were produced during this period. In this section existing knowledge of what was made produces only about 80. The reason is that much, if not all, production was produced, administered and stored on hard drives that were not handed to either the National Film Archive or the National Archives for preservation. If anyone has any further information about projects produced during this time please make contact using the Contact Us facility on the Navigation Bar.